
Showing posts from August, 2020

Creating comma separated string using array collection in Microsoft Flow.

Hello Guys, Today we will see how you can create a comma separated string using array.  But before if you are new to our blog then do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends.  We have come across many situation where we need to create a comma separated string using a collection. In C# we can achieve the same using string.join() method. consider a scenario where you need to create a comma separated string in Microsoft Flow. In this situation we cant use C# code, instead we need to write some expression. we will create one flow and see how you can create comma separated string. As you can see in above image we have contacts associated with Blogger account. we will be creating a flow which will be triggered when account record is updated and we will create a comma separated string for all the contacts associated with that account. So lets start... Navigate to  https://us.flo...

Setting up the environment for PCF control development.

Hello Guys, In this blog we will set up environment for developing PCF controls.  But before if you are new to our blog then do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends. Below are the pre-requisites for developing a PCF control. Node JS along with NPM(Latest version). Visual Studio Code. Basic knowledge of TypeScript. Power apps CLI installer . First of all we will be setting up Node JS and NPM installation. You can download Node JS from  here.  I have already installed Node JS in my computer. If you have already installed Node JS and NPM then check the version. Make sure you the latest version. Open Command prompt and type below command. For checking the version of NPM type below command. Now we will be installing Visual Studio Code. You can download it from here.  For time being i have downloaded and installed it. Now we will install Power Apps CLI. Open Visual Stud...

How to clear cache in Dynamics 365 Portal.

  Hello Guys, In my previous blog we have seen how you can restrict users to access your page. Today we will see how to clear cache of the portal.  But before if you are new to our blog then do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends. First of all we need to login into the portal using our admin credential.Once you will be logged in you will see your portal view as below. Now open a new tab and type below url and hit enter. <Your portal Url>/_services/about You will see below window. Click on Clear cache. Hope it helps...

Restricting Users to access your portal page in Dynamics 365 Portal.

Hello Guys, In my previous blog we have seen how you can use Odata and JavaScript in your portal. Today we will see how you can restrict users to access your page.  But before if you are new to our blog then do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends. As you can see in above image, we have Home, My Talks and Sign In Link. No user has logged in still we are able to see My Talk link which should be hidden and should be visible when any user login to the portal. We can restrict this using portal configuration. Open Portal Management and select Web Page Access Rules in Left Pane. Click on New and configure it as below. Now select Web Roles and click on Add Existing Web Role and select Authenticated Users. Save the changes and refresh the Portal. Once user will login in, Links will be visible. Hope it helps...

Using Odata and JavaScript in Microsoft Dyanmics 365 Portals.

Hello Guys, In my previous blog we have explored child sub-grid configuration and have created child entity form. Today we will see how you can use Odata and JavaScript in your portal.  But before if you are new to our blog then do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends. We will be working on same child entity form. First of all we will be creating one child activity using portal. Navigate to portal and open an Event and click on Add Activity. As you can see here we have Parent Event named "Introduction to Asp.Net". You will notice that we have to select the Associated Event in which this activity will be created. Basically this should be auto populated so that we don't have to select it from the lookup. We will achieve this using Odata and JavaScript. Open Portal Management and select Entity List. Open My Talk List Entity List and select Odata Feed Tab.Configure it as b...

Creating Entity Form for child entity in Dynamics 365 Portals.

Hello Guys, In my previous blog we have explored child sub-grid for Entity Form. Today we will be doing more configuration and will create child entity form.  But before if you are new to our blog then do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends. We will be working on same Sub-grid for accomplish our target. First of all we need to create one Entity Form. Open Portal Management and navigate to Entity Forms and click on new. configure it as below. In Addition Setting configure it as below. Save the changes and open Parent Entity Form i.e. My Talk Update. Select Entity Form Metadata and open sub-grid metadata. In the Grid Configuration click on Create and configure it as below. Save the changes. Now navigate to Portal and open one event. Click on Add activity and you will see your child form. Hope it helps...

Configuring child sub-grid for Entity Form in Dynamics 365 Portal.

  Hello Guys, In my previous blog we have seen how learn Liquid script and how you can use liquid to display entity form. Today we are going to explore child sub-grid for Entity Form.  But before if you are new to our blog then do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends. Till the time we have created one entity form which is used for creating a new event. Now we will be creating sub-grid for Event Entity which will display Event Activities. Here we go. First of all we need to configure sub-grid in CRM itself. If you are not aware of how to configure sub-grid in Dynamics 365 you can go through this  blog.  For time being we have configured sub-grid for Event Activity. Now open Portal Management app and in the left pane select Entity Forms. Open My Talk Update Entity Form. Click on Entity Form Metadata and click New and configure it as below. Save the changes. Now navi...

Using Liquid Script to display entity form.

Hello Guys, In my previous blog we have seen how you can associate current user while creating record. Today we will learn Liquid script and how you can use liquid to display entity form.  But before if you are new to our blog then do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends. Till the time we have created one entity form which is used for creating a new event. Now we will be creating two more Entity Form which will be used for Editing existing event and second one will be used for displaying event in read only mode. As we have one attribute in Event entity named "Is Event Submitted", we will use this attribute to display the Entity Form. It it is True the End user can not modify the Event and if it is false then end user can modify the event. So first of all we will be creating these two entity Form. Open Portal Management App. Click on Entity forms in the left pane and click ...