Pagination in canvas app for Data Table.
Hello Guys, In our previous blog we have seen how to display json data using Data Table. Today we will see how to implement pagination for Data Table in canvas app. Do follow us to know more about Dynamics and Power Platform. Also if you like our blog then please comment and share this blog with your friends. We will be working with the same canvas app which we were using in our previous blog. As you can see we have our canvas app which is displaying rows. Now open the canvas app in Power Apps and select main screen and write below formulas: Set(AccountID,GUID(First([@ModelDrivenFormIntegration].Data).ItemId)); Set(FlowJson,ContactListFlow.Run("",AccountID)); ClearCollect(colDocument,ForAll(Table(ParseJSON(FlowJson.contacts)),{FullName:Text(ThisRecord.Value.FullName), Phone:Text(ThisRecord.Value.Phone),Email:Text(ThisRecord.Value.Email)})); UpdateContext({varPerPageRows:5}); UpdateContext({varPageCtr:1}); UpdateContext({varTotalPage:If(Mod(CountRows(colDocument),varPe...