Some facts about Business rule in D365 CRM.

Hello Guys, In our previous blog we have explored business rule. Today we will see some facts about business rules. Business Rules are used for implementing conditional functionalities like validation and pre-filled. The execution order of the business rule is as below: 1. System JS 2. Custom JS 3. Business Rules. If one Entity is having more than one Business Rule then order of execution depends on their activation. You can see the Rank of the Business Rule's execution order using Synchronous events execution order editor tool in XRM Toolbox. Consider a scenario, we have one table named Person as below: We have created two BR for some validation and prefill as shown below: The first BR is used to make the Last Name field mandatory and other one is used for setting full name based on first name. Now login to xrmtoolbox and open Synchronous events execution order editor tool and select Person entity. Expand it and you see the rank of the BR. Basically BR rank depends ...